Q: I have a single car garage, that when I close it it sometimes activates some sort of sensor and starts moving back up. I’m pretty sure it’s not the IR beam across the entry way, but rather it’s thinking that something is under the door on its way down.
When I close the garage, and I can see that it isn’t closing smoothly and hops/jumps while it’s moving down (it will move down smoothly, then seem to stick on something, then quickly catch up to where it was supposed to be).
What is the best way to troubleshoot this problem? This started happening a few months ago, and now I need to babysit the garage when I’m closing it. I’m starting to get worried that it’s introducing too much load to the garage components (the whole motor piece attached to the roof shakes when this happens) because of the way it hops down the rails.
I’ve considered spraying WD-40 everywhere, but that seems like a shot in the dark and perhaps not addressing the root cause.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
A: With the door down, release the opener from the garage door and activate it. Make sure it moves smoothly up its track. Now that it’s out of the way (it thinks the door is open, but it isn’t), try to open the door manually. You should be able to do so with little effort, and it should move smoothly up/down. Note that it will latch into the opener mechanism again when it’s open, so you’ll have to re-release it to bring it down again. Since you’re moving the door manually, you can move it through the ‘sticky’ range and try to figure out where it’s binding. Could be that some of the bolts holding the hinge/wheel to the door are loose allowing things to get crooked and bind.
A: I have had a similar situation, with the garage door wheels (that run in the track) being the culprit. One of the wheels pops out, causing the door to open incorrectly.
I also had a garage door opening problem where the door would not complete its opening process, and the garage door motor circuit board was the culprit (I replaced it).
A: I had the same problem. I tightened the wheel bolts and it started working ok again.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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